Terms and Condition Part2

5. Taxation of the Coin and Taxation Related to the use of the Coin

The holder of the Coin bears the sole responsibility to determine whether to hold the Coin over time has any tax implications for the holder in his relevant jurisdiction. By holding the Coin, and to the extent permitted by applicable laws, rules, and regulations, the holder of the Coin agrees not to hold any of the Company Team & Parties and the Company itself liable for any tax liability associated with or arising from the holding of the Coin.

6. Privacy

The Company will not publish any identifying information related to any holder of the Coin without the prior written consent of the holder of the Coin, as the case may be, save and except for as required by the law enforcement authorities under applicable laws, rules, and regulations as amended from time to time.

7. Reliance on the Internet

The Coin relies heavily on the internet. However, the public nature of the internet means that either part of the internet or the entire internet may be unreliable or unavailable at any given time. Further, interruption, delay, corruption, or loss of data, or the loss of confidentiality in the transmission of data, may occur when transmitting data via the internet.

8. Targeting of Holder of the Coin by Malicious Persons

Malicious entities may target the holder of the Coin in an attempt to steal any of the Coin and/or cryptocurrencies that he may hold. This may involve unauthorized access to the holder’s digital wallet, private keys, cryptocurrency addresses, user accounts, email or social media accounts, as well as unauthorized access to the holder’s computer, smartphone, and any other devices that the holder of the Coin may use. The holder of the Coin shall free the Company of any liability or loss that may arise due to any of the malicious acts.

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